
Summer Loathe Ahh, summer! The perfect time to take a few days off of work and journey to your favorite vacation destination! But before you do that, Andrew Herold has a few words of warning for all of you, and it has nothing to do with sunscreen ... (May 29, 2013)

The Phobia Parade Horror writers rely on that most basic of human emotions: fear. But what frightens them? This week, Andrew talks about the things which scare him the most. (May 15, 2013)

Take Your Day and Shove It! Betsy is sick to death of entitled brides. Even more than that, she's sick of people thinking they're the norm. She's here to rectify this bad behavior by dropping some science on the bridezillas out there. (May 8, 2013)

Write Wrong Any wannabe writer has received advice about writing. Some of it's good. Some of it... maybe not so good. Andrew Herold dissects three common pieces of writing advice for your reading—and writing—pleasure. (May 1, 2013)

Horrorble Andrew Herold returns to bemoan the state of the modern horror movie. And no, he's not just fucking with you. (April 22, 2013)

The Fully Automated Bathroom Betsy muses about the intrusion of technology into even the most basic of human tasks: going to the bathroom. (April 9, 2013)

I Read the News Today, Oh Boy Lance Armstrong recently claimed that Americans would forget his doping, like they forgot about Bill Clinton's affair. Betsy was shocked by this. Well, she wasn't shocked by what Armstrong said. She was more dismayed to learn that CNN would take it seriously. (March 13, 2013)

Helicopter Parents and Millennial Mooches Betsy Bradford pontificates on the fate of her generation. (February 13, 2013)

Procrastination: A Timeline Andrew Herold returns to talk about something that plagues all of us: procrastination. (February 6, 2013)

Nadia Sucks! Feel like watching an awesome anime? Thinking of checking out Nadia: The Secret of the Blue Water? You might want to look elsewhere. (January 30, 2013)

Paranormal is the New Normal Tired of vampire romance novels? Most of us are. In this week's Yelling, Betsy finds a few monsters that she'd like to see featured in a paranormal romance. (January 23, 2013)

Poking at Haints Betsy dished on Travel Channel's Ghost Adventures (January 9, 2013)

Apocalypse Not Betsy is sick to death of this misplaced apocalypse hysteria. In this Yelling, she looks at the "prophecies" and explains why she's not going to be hiding in a bunker on 12/21/12. (December 12, 2012)

The Shambling Dead Geoff ruminates on the zombie genre. (December 13, 2012)

Wikipedia, Figuratively Recently, Betsy overheard the phrase: "My sister and I literally went to Wikipedia." Betsy wondered, what's the alternative? Can one figuratively go to Wikipedia? She thinks you can. (December 5, 2012)

Dear Cigarettes Breakups are rough, but some are more painful than others. In this Yelling, Monica Danville bids a bittersweet adieu to her ex, Cigarettes. (November 28, 2012)

Shut up and eat By now, someone's probably told you that your Thanksgiving dinner is inauthentic. Betsy asks, who cares? Just shut up and eat! (November 21, 2012)

In Defense of Profanity Profanity is maligned in our society, but is this fair? In this Yelling, Andrew Herold is here to tell as why sometimes these supposed swear words are better than their non-vulgar counterparts. (November 14, 2012)

Artist's Statement: What's up with Tachyon Punch? This week, we're changing the format for Patches: The World's Cutest Zombie. Why are we going this, and what's going on with Tachyon Punch, anyway? (November 7, 2012)

Zombie Apocalypse? Now! Tremble in fear at the thought of the Zombie Apocalypse? Maybe you need to revise your thinking! New Tachyon Punch writer Andrew Herold is here to tell you why. (October 31, 2012)

The Revenge of the 90s Are the nineties back? Betsy thinks so. Come read why, and why she's happy about it! (October 10, 2012)

The Live Toad Principle in Action We've all heard the adage, but does it play out in real life? Before you try chowing down on some Epidalea calamita, check out this article, in which Betsy will dish on her own proverbial experience. And don't worry: no toads were harmed in the making of this Yelling. (September 19, 2012)

Persona 4: Arena = Awesome We know that Betsy Bradford loves Persona 4, but does she love the new fighting game? Why, yes, she does!

Why Persona 4 May Be the Best RPG Ever Betsy Bradford has mad love for Persona 4, and she's not alone! Come find out why she loves this game so much.

Bugging Out Betsy Bradford hates cockroaches, but she never actually thought it would come to all out war. Worse, she seems to be losing. Read all about it! (July 4, 2012)


To Steal the Sun Betsy Bradford hates the John Frieda sun theif commercial so much that she wanted to post an article about it. Why the ire? Come find out! (June 27, 2012)

Cupcake and beer

2012 Food Trends From fondu and aspic to maggoty cheese and apple herring salad, history is rife with food trends. For those not up on the current food scene, this week Betsy Bradford breaks down some current hot food trends for you!

Source code sample

Why I Care About Metadata, part 2 This week, site designer Elizabeth McCraw returns to talk more about her passion for metadata. (May 16, 2012)

Three Wolf Moon

Shirtless Like the Wolf Geoff is trying to make heads or tails of his sudden compulsion to watch MTV's Teen Wolf. Hopefully he can fully understand his condition before the coming of the next full moon. (May 9, 2012)


A Frank Message for Meat Eaters Betsy Bradford follows up her Frank Message for Vegetarians and Vegans with this message for meat eaters. Is it true that all thoughtful, intelligent people must lead a vegetarian lifestyle? Betsy doesn't think so, but she would like to see her fellow omnivores put more thought into their choices. (April 18, 2012)

Bus image

Beelzebus Why are normal societal rules suspended on the bus? Betsy Bradford is tired of people elbowed and fallen on while careening down the road in a germ maelstrom. She's ready to tell you all about it, and make a few modest suggestions for better bus riding, while she's at it. (April 4, 2012)

Poster excerpt

I Like ____-ing Everyone knows that first dates can be rough, but these suggestions for date-night activities go too far! (March 21, 2012)

Source code sample

Why I Care About Metadata What is metadata? Why is it important in your life, even if you never see it? And why is Elizabeth McCraw so excited about it? Come find out! (March 7, 2012)

Can of beer

The Microbrew Revolution Notice the shift in attitude toward beer lately? Betsy Bradford has, and she's loving it! Come read all about it! (February 13, 2012)

Yuck Soda

The Problem With Diet Food Resolving to lose weight in the New Year? So is Betsy Bradford, but she's not going out and loading up her freezer with diet food, and she doesn't think you should, either. What's she thinking? Come find out! (January 9, 2012)

Christmas tree

It's Hard to be Merry When My Ears Are Bleeding Tired of terrible Christmas music? So is Betsy Bradford, especially since she knows that there's good holiday music out there! Check out her recommendations on how to jazz up or mellow out your Christmas! (December 19, 2011)


Living in the Eighties (in the Nineties). Betsy Bradford discusses her life living with slightly outdated technology. (November 28, 2011)

Alien with a Nintendo controller

Confessions of a Wanna-be Gamer. In this article, Betsy Bradford writes about her life playing video games, although most of the time it seemed that her choices were somewhat more limited than those of her friends! (October 23, 2011)

Drawing of iPod Touch

A Memorial to Steve Jobs. Betsy Bradford reflects on the recent passing of Steve Jobs, his impact on the world, an what Apple products have meant to her. (October 9, 2011)

Tachyon 1 eating vegetables

A Frank Message for Vegetarians and Vegans. Affirmed omnivore Betsy Bradford explores the world of meat substitutes and vegetable proteins. She offers some frank advice to vegetarians and vegans hoping to convert meat eaters by assuring them that a meat substitute is "just as good as the real thing," and provides a recipe for tempeh chili, which is both delicious and 100% vegan! (September 25, 2011)

Borders logo

An Elegy to Borders, or, The Importance of Place. In this article, Betsy Bradford reflects on the closing of the Borders chain, and what bookstores have meant to her throughout her life and travels. (September 11, 2011)